Top 10 Drinks That Make You Poop: Sip Your Way To Comfort

Are you struggling with irregular bowel movements and the impact they have on your mood? Worry no more! We’ve got the inside scoop on drinks that make you poop, providing natural and tasty solutions to keep you feeling light and happy.

The global prevalence of constipation among adults is estimated to be 16%, with rates ranging from 0.7% to 79%. However, for adults between the ages of 60 and 110 years, the prevalence jumps to 33.5% (1).

In this blog, we’ll explore how over 33% of constipated individuals experience anxiety and 31% face depression. Get ready to discover some delicious and user-friendly beverages that not only support optimal digestion but also contribute to enhancing your overall well-being.


Bowel movements depend on age, physical activity, and diet. Your lifestyle might be responsible for the situation. Often we get so overwhelmed with work we find it difficult to make time to stay hydrated, exercise, and detox our minds from stress at the workplace.

Simple steps like tracking your water consumption, mild to moderate exercise and finding more time to relax can definitely be helpful in the long run. 

It can also stem from conditions like IBS( Irritable bowel Syndrome ), Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s disease which can make defecation a rather painful experience.

Globally, the estimated prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ranges from 5% to 10% of the population (2).

If you are suffering from long-term constipation you might consider lifestyle changes and visiting your physician because it can lead to Anal tears, Hemorrhoids (piles), and Fecal impaction, aka. constipation on steroids as well as Rectal bleeding after straining.

However, if short-term constipation is fairly common and here’s a list of the top 10 drinks that make you poop immediately.

10 Drinks That Make You Poop Immediately

Here are our top 10 drinks to make you poop instantly when constipated, 

1. Castor Oil

This Ancient Egyptian remedy is basically a miracle drug. Besides helping with stomach aches, cramps, and bruising it is also a stimulating laxative that cures constipation. The only downside is its taste but you can always mix it up with milk or juice and consume 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

 A study conducted in 2011 on older adults suffering from chronic constipation discovered that castor oil reduced straining and improved symptoms associated with constipation (3). 

Mode of Consumption:

Combine two tablespoons of milk or juice and consume it on an empty stomach. By incorporating milk or juice, you can enhance the taste and texture of the castor oil mixture, making it easier to drink. Additionally, consuming this mixture on an empty stomach can have benefits, such as increasing better absorption of nutrients and potentially aiding digestion.

2. Apple Juice

Fibres and sorbitol in apple aid in defecation, and one medium apple contains 4.4 grams of fiber and 18.91 grams of sugar. The vitamins C, A, and calcium found in apples provide a variety of health benefits. Moreover, apples contain pectin, a fiber believed to aid digestion. Fresh locally sourced fruit has more benefits than in juice form. A study found that consuming approximately one cup of apple juice daily can enhance bowel movements and alleviate symptoms associated with constipation (4).

Mode of Consumption:

Limiting your daily consumption of apple juice to approximately one cup, equivalent to six to eight ounces, is advisable. This recommended amount can ensure a balanced intake without excessive sugar or caloric intake. This moderation allows you to enjoy the benefits of juice, such as essential vitamins and minerals, while avoiding the potential negative effects of excessive consumption.

3. Water

Dehydration causes the body to reuse existing body water hence a significant amount is absorbed from the colon making the stools hard. When we are dehydrated, our gut is deprived of lubrication, which also makes it difficult to pass stool.

Additionally, drinking water promotes digestion and muscle function. The body can process nutrients more quickly if it is adequately hydrated, which aids in regular bowel movements. These are very natural drinks That Make You Poop Immediately.

Electrolyte Drink: Another drink to help you poop immediately, especially when you are dehydrated is an electrolyte drink. Dehydration leads to loss of fluids and minerals. Compensating for this loss can help reduce constipation. Healthystripe hydration electrolyte powder may help replenish electrolytes and thus help you poop. Mode of consumption: Add 1 stick of healthystripe electrolyte drink mix to 500 to 800 ml of water, mix thoroughly and drink.

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 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) established guidelines in 2004, suggesting that adequate total water intake from both foods and beverages should be around 3.7 liters (125 ounces) for men and 2.7 liters (91 ounces) for women (5).

Mode of Consumption:

On average, men are recommended to consume approximately 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters of water per day, while women are advised to aim for about 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters of water per day.

4. Lemon Juice

Loaded with the goodness of Vitamin C and antioxidants,  Lemon juice softens stools making it easier for you to pass stools. You can either make lemonade or add a few tablespoons to your morning glass of water. This cleansing drink can definitely fasten up your excretion process.

Mode of Consumption:

To make lemon water, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water. It can be consumed in the evening and the morning. Stay hydrated throughout the day and opt for fresh, locally sourced lemons when possible.

5. Coffee

But first coffee! If your day cannot start without a freshly brewed cup of hot coffee,  you would be delighted to know that other than a nervous system stimulant it also stimulates peristalsis that creates an urge to poop. However, don’t overdo it or you can end up constipated out of dehydration.

A study indicates that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee can enhance bowel motility, although another study suggests that caffeinated coffee has more potent effects (6). The latter study discovered that caffeinated coffee stimulated colonic movement 23% more than decaffeinated coffee (7).

Mode of Consumption:

Opt for regular caffeinated coffee rather than decaffeinated coffee, as caffeine is believed to have a laxative effect. Sometimes, black coffee can also have a positive impact. Make sure that you consume the coffee on an empty stomach. 

Coffee + Bowel Movement

6. Prune Juice

A 2014 review showed that 100 gms of prune can be as good as popular over-the-counter laxatives like psyllium. Make sure you maintain its fibre content if you’re making juice out of it. It is loaded with minerals like magnesium, potassium and sorbitol that promote intestinal functions.

In a specific study, individuals who frequently experienced constipation reported that consuming 1 cup (240 mL) of prune juice daily for eight weeks significantly improved the consistency of their bowel movements and made them easier to pass compared to those who received a placebo (8). 

Mode of Consumption:

Consider incorporating 0.5 cups (120 mL) of prune juice into your morning routine to enhance digestion. If you experience constipation or bloating, starting your day with prune juice might be beneficial. 

7. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is rich in lubricant and helps in restoring hydration. This is the drink for you if you want a soothing and tasty drink to cure your bowel issue.

In a 28-day double-blind trial conducted on individuals with chronic constipation, a new formulation containing Aloe vera, celandine, and psyllium demonstrated significant improvements in various constipation indicators. These included increased bowel movement frequency, improved stool consistency, and reduced reliance on laxatives (9).

Mode of consumption:

Select a mature and healthy aloe vera leaf to make aloe vera juice. Wash it thoroughly, remove the thorny edges, and slice it open lengthwise. Scoop out the gel and blend it until smooth. Optionally, add a squeeze of lemon juice or sweetener for taste. Pour the juice into a glass and consume it immediately. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before consuming aloe vera juice, as it may interact or contraindications with certain medications or conditions.

8. Teas

For certain individuals, tea can exhibit a natural laxative effect as it assists in lubricating the digestive system and promoting relaxation. Additionally, tea aids in hydration, preventing excessive dryness of fecal matter. Mentioned below are some teas that one can drink to curb the effects of constipation.

  • Mint– It has antispasmodic and carminative methanol that prevents cramps, relaxes muscles, and eases the process of excretion.
  • Ginger– It is associated with a metabolism boost that speeds up digestion and excretion.
  • Lemon tea– Same as juice, adding lemon to your tea has better effects due to the combined action of warm water.
  • Senna– Brewing dried leaves of senna has been known to cure constipation 
  • Licorice – Those with a poor bowel movement can drink up to two cups of licorice root tea 

Mode of Consumption:

Consuming warm or hot tea can help stimulate bowel movements and promote digestion. Drink plenty of water alongside tea to prevent dehydration, as some teas may have a diuretic effect.

9. Kefir

To promote faster bowel movements, consider incorporating kefir into your diet. According to a Turkish study, participants who regularly consumed kefir observed positive effects on their bathroom habits. They reported passing softer stools and experiencing an increased frequency of bowel movements (10). 

You can make your own using kefir grains if you don’t have kefir. A comprehensive analysis of various British studies suggests that, in general, probiotics can improve stool consistency and frequency. Try them to see if they help you achieve quicker and more regular bowel movements.

Mode of Consumption:

If you’re new to kefir, begin by consuming a small amount, such as half a cup, to allow your body to adjust to the probiotics. Kefir can be enjoyed independently or blended into smoothies with fruits and vegetables to enhance the taste and nutritional value.

10. Baking Soda

Baking soda, a natural antacid, is often employed by individuals to address various digestive health concerns such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and constipation.

Mode of Consumption:

To create a baking soda solution, pour a glass of water and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Stir the mixture until the baking soda wholly dissolves. Consuming this solution slowly on an empty stomach and patiently waiting for its effects is recommended.

It is worth noting that baking soda is commonly used as a household remedy for constipation; however, it is essential to acknowledge that there is currently a lack of scientific studies to substantiate these assertions.

It’s a well-known remedy for acidity but it can also cause contraction in your stomach muscles making you poop faster. Mix one tablespoon of power in one glass of water and drink up to see the results.

Also check: The Leaky Gut Diet Plan: What to Eat, What to Avoid

Rule of Three

It is said that for a healthy adult the number of times one poop can range between 3 times a day to 3 times a week so it can be difficult to understand if you are suffering from constipation. Even if you defecate daily, you can still be constipated if you face difficulty passing stools.

Notice your stool quality next time you sit at the pot- if you have issues with the frequency of bowel movements, feel clogged or unable to empty completely, struggle during pooping or pass hard lumpy stool you might consider yourself constipated.

Why is it so harmful?

Dysbiosis- When you haven’t pooped in a while, you tend to get gassy and it not only stinks, it affects you at the cellular level, affecting your mitochondrial function which makes you lethargic.

Estrogen dominance- Irregular passing of stool means more estrogen is absorbed in your gut resulting in a wide range of problems including, fatigue, weight gain, poor sex drive, mood fluctuations, bloating, headaches, tenderness, and lumps in the breast, and disturbed sleep. It can also cause erectile dysfunction and weight gain in men.

How to treat Constipation

Irrespective of its cause, natural or chemical remedies have the same mechanism of action. Let’s learn how these remedies work

  • Bulk Laxatives – This help when you are on a diet or have been fasting. Low food consumption creates less stool which might be difficult to pass. Bulk laxatives like dietary fibre or Isabgul might be helpful in these situations. 
  • Stimulant  Laxatives- They stimulate your gut to cause peristalsis ( movement of gut muscles ) that help in defecation. Eg- Castor oil
  • Osmotic  Laxatives- As the name suggests they help to absorb water, increasing the lubrication that makes it easy to pass stool. Eg-  milk of magnesia
  • Stool Softeners  Laxatives – They make the stool soft and help in easy excretion. Eg – water, Lemon juice

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There’s usually no quick fix to health problems unless you’re taking medications. Unless you understand the cause of the problem, you will end up in the same place where you started. While you figure that out, we have got you covered. It is always advisable to get your physician’s advice if symptoms don’t subside.

Experiencing constipation can have a significant impact on one’s well-being, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. Addressing this issue by making lifestyle changes and seeking medical advice for long-term constipation is important. 

However, for short-term relief, these are some natural and tasty drinks that can help alleviate constipation. It’s essential to remember that maintaining a healthy bowel movement frequency and addressing constipation can have numerous benefits, including preventing complications and promoting overall well-being.


What laxative makes you poop instantly?

While no specific laxative guarantees instant bowel movements, some may provide quicker results than others. Stimulant laxatives, such as bisacodyl or senna, produce relatively fast bowel movements. However, using laxatives responsibly and following the recommended dosage is essential to avoid any potential side effects or complications. If you’re experiencing persistent constipation or have concerns about your bowel movements, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate advice and guidance.

What drink makes you not constipated?

Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Staying hydrated helps soften the stool and supports proper digestion. Additionally, beverages that contain natural fiber, such as prune juice or aloe vera juice, can have a mild laxative effect. Apart from that, you can also try some herbal teas and coffee since it seems to be effective in treating constipation. The effects of these drinks might be different for each individual. So, it is essential to consult a doctor before starting anything. 

How much prune juice is for constipation?

The recommended amount of prune juice for relieving constipation can differ depending on individual factors such as age, overall health, and personal tolerance. However, a common suggestion is to start with a small serving, such as 120 mL, and gradually increase the amount as needed. It’s important to note that while prune juice can have a mild laxative effect due to its natural fiber content, consuming excessive amounts may lead to diarrhea or stomach discomfort. It’s always advisable to listen to your body and adjust the quantity of prune juice accordingly.

Does Apple juice help with constipation?

Apple juice is often considered a mild natural remedy for constipation due to its high fiber content. The fiber in apple juice, particularly soluble fiber, can help add bulk to the stool and promote regular bowel movements. Additionally, apple juice contains a sugar alcohol called sorbitol, which has a laxative effect. However, it’s important to note that while apple juice may relieve some individuals with mild constipation, it may not be effective for everyone.

What can I drink to help me poop fast?

If you want some help poop fast, there are some drinks you can try. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning to stimulate bowel movements and soften stool. Coffee, which contains caffeine as a natural stimulant for digestion, can also work. Prune juice with fiber, sorbitol, and natural sugars will increase laxative effects. You can also try lemon water to stimulate the digestive system and hydrate. Aloe vera juice can help with intestinal lubrication and hydration. Some herbal teas like mint, ginger, and senna can give a mild laxative effect.

Is Milk OK for constipation?

Milk is not typically considered a remedy for constipation. In some cases, dairy products like milk can worsen constipation, especially for individuals who are lactose intolerant. However, this can vary from person to person. If you find that milk or dairy products contribute to constipation, it may be worth reducing your intake or trying alternative sources of calcium and nutrients. It’s always best to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What Food Helps You to Poop Immediately?

Prunes – they have lots of fiber and sorbitol, a natural laxative.
Avocados – they are a rich source of magnesium and soften stool by drawing in water. 
Popcorn – plain popcorn is a good substitute for chips because it has fiber.
Flaxseed – the seeds are packed with fiber but don’t eat them whole because they will pass through you. Instead, you can use them as ingredients in smoothies, salads, and more
Oranges – contain a flavonol called naringenin, which researchers found can work like a laxative to help constipation.
Oatmeal – it contains insoluble fiber, which can bulk up stool, helping it pass quicker.
Spinach – is a green vegetable that has fiber and magnesium. Magnesium is needed for muscular contractions in the large intestine and helps to absorb water from undigested food
Beans – they contain resistant starch, a fiber that helps improve the movement of food through the colon. It also increases the number of good gut bacteria
Green beans – this vegetable can be helpful due to its fiber content.
Cereal – a high-fiber cereal consumed in the morning can trigger movement.
Wheat bran – the outer layer of a wheat kernel is full of fiber, with about 25g per cup.
Almonds – are loaded with healthy fats, proteins, and fibre, but it is really the magnesium in them that helps with constipation.
Raspberries – contain double the fiber that strawberries do.
Broccoli – this popular green vegetable has about 5.1g of insoluble fiber per cup.

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