Alternate Day Fasting: A Meal Plan With Benefits And Drawbacks
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Alternate Day Fasting Meal Plan: Boost Results

HealthyStripe's Editorial Team
7 June 2023

Alternate day fasting (ADF) is a type of intermittent fasting that includes the consumption of calories up to 25 % of the daily intake on the days that one is fasting. It is one of the most used intermittent fasting regimens and is promoted as a promising alternative approach for treating obesity.

This article will delve into alternate-day fasting, examining its impact on weight loss, metabolic health, and more. Additionally, we will address the safety considerations associated with alternate-day fasting and offer practical tips to ensure the successful implementation of this fasting regimen.

What Is Alternate-Day Fasting: A Complete Guide

Alternate-day fasting (ADF) is an intermittent fasting method involving fasting one day and consuming free meals the next day. 

This approach allows for dietary restrictions only half of the time. For example, individuals can freely consume calorie-free beverages like water, unsweetened coffee, and tea on fasting days. Alternatively, a modified ADF approach permits the intake of approximately 500 calories, which accounts for about 20-25% of daily energy requirements. (1).

Interestingly, ADF’s health and weight loss benefits appear consistent, regardless of whether fasting-day calories are consumed in one large meal, spread throughout the day, or during dinner. As a result, some individuals may find ADF easier to follow compared to other dietary approaches.

However, a year-long study discovered that adherence to ADF, where calorie intake was reduced to 25% of energy needs on fasting days, was not significantly superior to daily calorie restriction. (2) Nonetheless, most studies on ADF have utilized the modified version with 500 calories on fasting days, as it is more sustainable while remaining equally effective.

How Alternate Day Fasting Works For Weight Lose?

While fasting every other day has been suggested as a beneficial approach for weight loss, research indicates that this type of calorie restriction is less effective than traditional daily calorie restriction.

Studies involving adults with overweight and obesity have shown that ADF can lead to a 3-8% reduction in body weight within 2-12 weeks (3). However, the evidence suggests that ADF does not offer superior weight loss outcomes compared to traditional daily calorie restriction.

Research has also demonstrated that ADF and daily calorie restriction yield similar results in reducing harmful abdominal fat and inflammatory markers in individuals with obesity.

Although ADF may have advantages for fat loss, recent studies indicate it is not more effective than traditional calorie restriction regarding weight loss or preserving muscle mass.

Additionally, like other forms of calorie restriction, combining the Alternate day fasting schedule with increased physical activity can accelerate weight loss

An excellent example is the remarkable outcomes of combining ADF (Alternate-Day Fasting) with endurance exercise. This powerful combination has yielded weight loss results that are twice as significant as those achieved through ADF alone. Moreover, compared to endurance exercise alone, the combined approach has led to an astounding six-fold increase in weight loss (4).

Regarding dietary composition, ADF is equally effective regardless of whether it is practiced with a high or low-fat diet.

Alternate Day Fasting Meal Plan (Chart)

Here is an alternate-day fasting (ADF) meal plan that can help you control the intake for the days that one is fasting and the days that one is not. Please remember that the calorie counts are approximate and may vary depending on portions and specific food brands. Therefore, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any fasting or calorie-restricted diet to ensure it is appropriate for your needs.

DayFasting Day (500 calories)Non-Fasting Day (Regular Caloric Intake)
Day 1Breakfast: Black coffee (0 cal)Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with vegetables (300 cal)
 Lunch: Vegetable salad with grilled chicken (200 cal)Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa and roasted vegetables (500 cal)
 Dinner: Baked salmon with steamed broccoli (300 cal)Dinner: Spaghetti Bolognese with whole wheat pasta (600 cal)
 Snack: Celery sticks with hummus (50 cal)Snack: Greek yogurt with berries (150 cal)
Day 2Breakfast: Black coffee (0 cal)Breakfast: Oatmeal with nuts and fruits (300 cal)
 Lunch: Spinach salad with grilled shrimp (200 cal)Lunch: Turkey wrap with avocado and veggies (400 cal)
 Dinner: Grilled tofu with stir-fried vegetables (300 cal)Dinner: Grilled steak with sweet potato and asparagus (700 cal)
 Snack: Carrot sticks with almond butter (50 cal)Snack: Apple with peanut butter (200 cal)

Health Benefits And Potential Drawbacks Of Alternate Day Fasting

ADF fasting offers numerous potential health benefits, some common to various fasting methods, while others are distinct. Let’s examine them more closely.

Health Benefits And Potential Drawbacks Of Alternate Day Fasting
  • Enhanced Body Composition 

Alternate-day fasting results demonstrate a remarkable capacity to facilitate cellular recycling within the human body. This process involves the removal of old cell membranes, which are replaced with new ones, utilizing stored fat cells as an energy source, and rejuvenating muscle cells through the action of human growth hormone. The cumulative effect of these intricate cellular transformations is a revitalized, more physically fit, and leaner individual.

Scientific investigations utilizing rodents, worms, flies, and isolated human cells have consistently shown that fasting induces upregulation of autophagy—a term denoting the cellular recycling mechanism responsible for cellular rejuvenation.

  • Weight Loss 

One of the noticeable effects experienced by individuals adopting alternate-day fasting (ADF) is rapid and substantial weight loss. While a portion of this weight reduction can be attributed to the body depleting its glycogen stores—each gram of glycogen is associated with four grams of water—the weight loss benefits of fasting extend beyond this initial aspect.

It should be noted that other research has found no significant differences in weight loss, reduction of abdominal fat, or inflammatory status when comparing ADF to conventional calorie-restriction approaches.

Notably, a study on nonobese subjects revealed that while ADF was feasible for this group, hunger levels on fasting days did not diminish significantly, indicating the potential difficulty of adhering to this dietary regimen over extended periods (5). Therefore, the study recommended a small snack on fasting days for non-obese individuals to address this challenge.

Insights from animal studies have provided further understanding of this topic. For example, several studies suggest that modified ADF, where calorie intake is restricted to less than 500 calories on fasting days, can reduce hunger hormone levels and increase satiety hormone levels compared to conventional calorie-restricted diets (6). Additionally, ADF may help mitigate the compensatory hunger typically experienced when the body attempts to “compensate” for the calories missed during fasting.

  • Enhanced Blood Sugar Regulation 

Alternate-day fasting (ADF) can remarkably promote metabolic flexibility in the body, leading to various advantages, including improved blood sugar regulation.

Prediabetes, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that are not yet considered clinically high, affects over one-third of Americans. If lifestyle changes are not implemented, individuals with prediabetes are at risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes, which accounts for up to 95% of all diabetes cases in the United States (7).

ADF is particularly influential among the various dietary approaches promoting improved blood sugar control. ADF facilitates the induction of a cyclical ketogenic state, enabling the body to optimize the utilization of fats, carbohydrates, and even amino acids as energy sources. ADF trains the body to efficiently manage its energy stores through this process, leading to enhanced blood sugar control.

By optimizing the body’s ability to burn fats for fuel, blood sugar levels become more balanced. This metabolic adaptation achieved through ADF facilitates improved blood sugar regulation, offering potential benefits for individuals with prediabetes or those seeking to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Potential Drawbacks of Alternate Day Fasting 

An alternate day of fasting before and after the schedule has minimal inherent drawbacks. However, to honestly assess its drawbacks, it is recommended to experience it personally. Nonetheless, knowing the potential drawbacks before starting a new ADF fasting routine is important.

  • Excess Stress Hormones

Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, also plays a role in converting amino acids into carbohydrates. When starting ADF or a ketogenic diet, this conversion occurs, leading to a temporary increase in cortisol-induced stress. This is a normal response as your body adapts to the new meal timing of ADF. Some symptoms of hypercortisolemia, such as difficulty sleeping, anxiety, appetite loss, and mood swings, may persist even after several cycles of ADF.

  • Hyperglycemia

ADF can result in high blood sugar levels if excessive food is consumed on “feasting” days. Following a low-carb or ketogenic diet is advisable to avoid this issue. If you choose to include fruits or vegetables, opt for low-carb options like keto-friendly fruits and vegetables.

  • Muscle Wasting

For individuals with higher calorie needs, consuming sufficient calories on ADF’s “feasting” days might be challenging. Consider an example of a highly active athlete who typically consumes around 4,500 calories daily. Therefore, even with a modified ADF fasting schedule, they must consume 8,500 calories on their “feasting” days. This is often more than most people’s stomachs can handle unless they follow a ketogenic diet and obtain most of their calories from animal fats.

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  • The Unknown 

The most significant drawback of ADF stems from its safety and suitability for everyone have yet to be definitively established. While research on rodents and human clinical trials support the health benefits of weight loss and energy restriction associated with ADF, it is uncertain whether these benefits are solely due to weight loss or calorie restriction. Some of these benefits may arise from avoiding unhealthy junk food. In other words, fasting from low-quality laboratory food is beneficial, but so is following a nutrient-dense, low-carb, animal-based diet that aligns with keto principles

Is Alternate Day Fasting Suitable for Those With A Normal Weight? 

ADF, or Alternate Day Fasting, offers benefits beyond weight loss and can be advantageous for individuals without obesity. In a 3-week study, researchers examined individuals with average weight who strictly followed a zero-calorie ADF diet on fasting days. The results indicated increased fat burning, reduced fasting insulin levels, and a 4% decrease in fat mass (8). However, participants experienced persistent feelings of hunger throughout the study. To address this issue, researchers speculated about the potential benefits of a modified ADF diet that allows for a small meal on fasting days, making it more manageable for non-obese individuals.

In a separate controlled study involving both overweight and average-weight individuals, it was observed that adhering to an ADF diet for 12 weeks resulted in a significant decrease in fat mass. Additionally, favorable alterations were observed in various risk factors associated with heart disease (9). It is important to note that ADF generally provides significantly fewer calories than needed to maintain weight, ultimately leading to weight loss. Therefore, if weight or fat loss is not the primary goal, or if one already has an average weight, alternative dietary methods may be more suitable.

Is Alternate Day Fasting Safe? 

According to research findings, alternate-day fasting (ADF) is a safe approach for most individuals. It does not pose a greater risk of weight regain than traditional calorie-restricted diets. Contrary to common beliefs, studies have indicated that ADF may help reduce binge eating behavior and alleviate depressive symptoms (10). Additionally, it can potentially improve restrictive eating habits and body image perception in individuals with obesity. However, further research is required to determine the effectiveness and safety of ADF for people with disordered eating tendencies.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that ADF may not be suitable for certain populations. This includes children, pregnant and lactating women, underweight individuals, and those with specific medical conditions that may be worsened by fasting, such as Gilbert Syndrome. In addition, although there is some evidence suggesting that ADF may assist in reducing binge eating symptoms, this dietary pattern is generally not appropriate for individuals with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia.


Alternate Day Fasting Reddit is an increasingly popular approach to intermittent fasting that involves alternating between fasting and regular eating days. While fasting has been practiced for centuries, alternate-day fasting has gained attention for its potential health benefits and weight loss effects.

Can I eat anything during alternate-day fasting?

During alternate-day fasting (ADF), you typically alternate between fasting and feasting days. While the exact guidelines may vary depending on your specific ADF plan, consuming very few calories (around 500 or less) on fasting days is generally recommended. On feasting days, you have more flexibility in your food choices but should still aim to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to support your overall health.

Is alternate day fasting safe and healthy?

Alternate-day fasting can be safe and healthy for many individuals but may not be suitable for everyone. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any new fasting regimen. Some people may find it challenging to adhere to ADF long-term, and certain health conditions or medications may be contraindications for this type of fasting. It is important to listen to your body and ensure that you provide it with adequate nutrition during feeding periods.

What are the stages of alternate day fasting?

Alternate-day fasting typically involves two stages: fasting days and feasting days. On fasting days, you restrict your calorie intake to a certain level, usually around 500 calories or less. This can be achieved by consuming low-calorie meals or practicing complete fasting, where you consume no calories for the entire day. Conversely, you can eat more or less on feasting days to meet your calorie needs. This cyclic pattern of fasting and feasting is repeated on alternate days.

How much weight can you lose on alternate day fasting?

The weight you can lose on alternate-day fasting will vary depending on various factors, including your starting weight, body composition, metabolism, and overall calorie intake. While ADF can result in weight loss, it’s important to remember that sustained weight loss is gradual, and individual results may vary. A realistic and healthy weight loss goal is generally considered to be 1-2 pounds per week.

How long should you do ADF?

The duration of alternate-day fasting can vary depending on individual goals and preferences. Some people may practice ADF for a specific period, such as a few weeks or months, to achieve weight loss or other health benefits. Others may incorporate it into their long-term lifestyle. Finding a sustainable approach that works for you is important and consider consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure it aligns with your needs and health status.

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