Does Milk Hydrate You? Know The Answer | Healthystripe
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Does Milk Hydrate You? Know The Answer

HealthyStripe's Editorial Team
30 November 2021

It is imperative to stay hydrated to maintain your overall health. When your body doesn’t get adequate fluids, it will easily get dehydrated. That’s why it is vital to drink fluids for overall good health. First, you need to understand what exactly dehydration is? It is a condition when your body loses more fluid than you take in.

The common symptoms of dehydration are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Thirst, etc.

There are different levels of dehydration, such as mild, moderate, and severe. Therefore you must hydrate your body continues to maintain the flow of fluids. To rehydrate yourself, you always think of drinking enough amounts of water, but milk is also considered the best drink for dehydration besides waterMany questions are popping in your head about how milk can be a better drink when you are dehydrated. This article will help you to understand the role of milk during dehydration.

Does Milk Hydrate You?

According to a study from Scotland’s St. Andrews University that compared the hydration capacity of different drinks concluded that water beverages with a little bit of sugar, protein, or fat can do a better job of quickly hydrating the body. 

Milk works better for hydrating than plain water because it contains lactose, sodium, protein, and fat which keep you hydrated for a more extended period. It has sodium which acts like a sponge that holds water in your body and reduces urination.

Moreover, it also provides carbohydrates that prevent dehydration. That’s why milk is one of the best drinks for dehydration.

The two significant electrolytes, sodium and potassium, are present in the milk, making it a fitting beverage for rehydration.

Milk is the most hydrating drink because beverages with more concentrated sugars are not as hydrating and also offer extra sugar and calories to your body. So if you think milk is better than water for hydration, then it is true! 

Is Milk Better for Hydration than Water?

Most of the time, when you feel dehydrated you always look for water to maintain the fluid in your body. But maybe you don’t know that water doesn’t contain essential electrolytes that help restore your fluid balance.

This is the reason you must go for milk for rehydration, especially when you are sick and your body needs more electrolytes because milk is better than water for hydration. 

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As per a study in 2007 in 11 healthy adults, it was concluded that low-fat milk is a better choice for rehydration as compared to water or a sports drink after mild exercise-induced dehydration. But milk is effective for mild dehydration, and there is limited data that claim that milk is best in treating more serious dehydration.

If you have a toddler facing a dehydration problem, then milk can become a suitable solution for him. Don’t think twice that is milk good for dehydration in toddlers?

Give your toddler milk infrequent and in small sips until their urine is clear. Due to its electrolytes and carbohydrate content, milk can be an appropriate option for rehydration. Apart from this, it is also a good source of protein that can help your toddler recover easily.

Wrap Up

Dehydration can be caused due to vomiting and diarrhea because of food poisoning or stomach infection. It can also cause by intense workouts and heat. If you find that you are becoming dehydrated, you must start taking electrolytes-containing fluids. Milk can be the best drink for hydration when sick. But it will only work in mild dehydration.

If you feel that you have a severe dehydration issue and there is no energy left in your body, you must consult your doctor rather than treat yourself at home. Take a prescription from your healthcare provider to recover quickly.

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