21 Water-Rich Foods That Will Keep You Hydrated | Healthystripe
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21 Water-Rich Foods That Will Keep You Hydrated

There are a variety of food items that are considered hydrating foods and can provide up to one-fifth of your daily hydration requirements. Fruits and vegetables are excellent examples of hydrating foods that can prevent your body from getting dehydrated. Consumption of water-rich foods can also keep your electrolyte balance in place and alongside provide you with necessary micronutrients like vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body. This article will list such foods:


Watermelon is one of the healthiest water-rich fruits you can consume. Watermelon contains 92% of water. It is loaded with vitamin A and C and is rich in magnesium. A single cup of watermelon contains less than a full cup of water. It is also rich in fiber.


The calorie density of watermelon is very low. That means that even a big portion of watermelon has very few calories in it. Being low in calories can increase satiety and aid in weight loss.

Watermelon is also loaded with lycopene, which is a very important antioxidant. Lycopene helps in reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Watermelon can be consumed as a snack or in salads as per your liking.

Coconut water

Coconut water is an excellent source of electrolytes. It is rich in water and a powerhouse of antioxidants and minerals like chloride, sodium, and potassium. It is composed of 95% of water.

It is refreshing and rehydrating and the electrolytes present in coconut aid in recovery post-workout. Coconut water is relatively low in calories and carbohydrates. It is also rich in vitamin C and fiber.

Research shows that coconut water can be a healthy option for reducing blood sugar levels in case of diabetic patients [1]. It may also prevent kidney stones.


Strawberries are loved by all and contain 91% of water. They are loaded with vitamin C, manganese, folic acid, fiber as well as folate. They are also rich in various antioxidants and can be beneficial for health in various ways.

Consumption of strawberries has shown reduced effects of inflammation along with a reduction in depressive symptoms. [2] Strawberries are also protective against heart diseases. Strawberries are also low in calories and free of fat.

Have strawberries as a fruit, or include them in your salads, or smoothies, they will surely make a delicious treat for your meals.


Cantaloupe is a type of melon. It is loaded with nutritive properties. It contains about 90% of water and is low in calories and helps in keeping you full for longer.

sliced cantaloupe on table

A single-serve of cantaloupe contains about half a cup of water. It is rich in fiber, and vitamin A and has many micronutrients. It helps in enhancing immunity and preventing infections. [3]

It has lots of phytonutrients in it. It is also rich in folate and aids in the prevention of cancer. Cantaloupe tastes delicious with salads, yogurt, or dips. It is also a healthy breakfast option.


Peaches are tasty, dense in nutrients, and naturally hydrating. 90% of the weight of peaches is water. They are rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

Peaches are rich in potassium and help in maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. Peaches are also rich in an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid that helps in warding off diseases.

Peaches are low-calorie fruits and they are extremely filling. The skin of peaches is rich in fiber. Peaches taste amazing with spreads and cottage cheese.


Oranges are extremely nutritious and may have a variety of health advantages. Vitamin C and potassium are two of them, and they can help your immune system and overall health. Oranges are also high in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which may reduce inflammation and hence prevent cellular injury.

coconut water

Additionally, consuming citrus fruits like oranges regularly help prevent kidney stones. It’s because the citric acid in them can attach to calcium oxalate, which causes stones, and help clear it out of the system.

Oranges are also rich in fiber and help in keeping you full for longer periods and curb hunger and promote weight loss.

Skimmed Milk

Skimmed milk is high in nutrients. It is largely made up of water and contains a significant number of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, sodium potassium, and magnesium. Skimmed milk has 91% of water which makes it beneficial to keep the immune system healthy.

Milk not only aids in overall hydration but also aids in the rehydration process after heavy activity. Several studies have found that low-fat milk, rather than carbonated beverages or plain water, helped participants keep hydrated after an exercise.

This is partially attributable to milk’s electrolytes and crude protein, which may aid in rehydrating the body. Milk is simple to integrate into your meals because it is commonly available and fairly priced.


Cucumbers are yet another hydrating and wholesome food to add to your diet to improve brain health. They are 95% made of water, with a tiny amount of vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium thrown in for good measure.

Cucumbers have the lowest caloric intake of all the water-rich veggies. They are nutritious and refreshing. Cucumbers can be eaten in great quantities without adding a substantial number of calories to your diet, which is beneficial for weight management.

Cucumbers are simple to integrate into your diet. They’re frequently used in sandwiches and salads, but they’re also used in cooked foods such as soups.


Lettuce is not just delicious but also very nutritious. It contains 96% of the water that will help you stay hydrated. A single cup of lettuce has almost a glass full of water.

It is rich in fiber and promotes digestion. It is also loaded with vitamin A and K. Vitamin A enhances immunity while vitamin K is very useful for the protection of bones. It is low in calories and hence an excellent option to add to salads.

It is a filling snack and has antioxidants to protect the body. Add lettuce to your fruit salad, or dressings or have it with fruits, it will never disappoint.


Zucchini is a highly nutritious vegetable with 94% of water content. It is filling and rich in fiber which helps in improving gut and brain health. It contains fewer calories per volume, about 20 calories per serve.

Zucchini is rich in vitamin C and adds up to 35% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Vitamin C has immunoprotective properties. Zucchini also helps in reducing inflammation. [4]

You can consume zucchini in the form of salads, or soups or add it to your dishes as an aside.

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Celery is also one of the healthful and most hydrating foods to incorporate into your diet. It’s largely water, with a 1-cup serving containing about half a cup (118 ml). This helps to explain its low-calorie content (just 16 calories per cup).

Celery, like other water-rich plants, may be a good weight-loss diet because of its high water content and low-calorie count. Celery also provides fiber and a variety of vital elements.
It’s particularly abundant in vitamin K and potassium, both of which may help against heart disease, diabetes, and bone problems.

Celery is easy to include in your diet because it may be consumed fresh or cooked. You can add it to soups or salads as well.

Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt is high in water and nutrients, which may benefit your health in a variety of ways. Water makes up more than 75% of a 1-cup (245-gram) serving of plain yogurt.

It also contains several vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphate, and potassium, all of which are known to aid bone health. Yogurt is also a good source of protein, with a 1-cup (245-gram) meal providing more than 8 grams and around 17% of your daily requirements (41).

Regularly eating yogurt has been demonstrated to help people lose weight, owing to the appetite-suppressing properties of its high water and protein content.


Tomatoes have a high nutritional profile and may provide a variety of health advantages. A half-cup (118 ml) of water can be obtained from a single medium tomato. Tomatoes have 94% water.

It also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as the immunological vitamins A and C. Tomatoes have a low-calorie content due to their high water capacity, with only 32 calories in a 1-cup (149-gram) portion.

Tomatoes are also high in fiber and antioxidants like lycopene, which can help fight disease. Lycopene has been examined for its ability to reduce the incidence of heart disease and it may hopefully deter prostate cancer. Tomatoes are delicious in soups, sauces, and a variety of other dishes.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are yet another healthy food that has a wide range of health benefits. Water makes up more than 90% of the weight of bell peppers. They’re high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals like potassium and B vitamins.

Bell peppers are also high in carotenoid antioxidants, which may help prevent cancer and eye damage. Furthermore, when compared to other vegetables and fruits, bell peppers have the largest quantity of vitamin C, giving 317 percent of your daily requirement in just one cup (149 grams). Vitamin C not only benefits your immune system, but also aids in the absorption of iron, supports bone health, and protects your cells from the destructive effects of free radicals.


Cauliflower is a very nourishing and hydrating vegetable that you should include in your dietary regimen. Cauliflower contains more than one-fourth cup (59 ml) of water and appetite-suppressing fiber in one cup (100 grams).

With about 25 calories per cup, its water holding capacity explains its low-calorie count. Cauliflower also contains more than 15 minerals and vitamins, especially choline, a nutrient that isn’t found in many foods. Choline is a vitamin that is necessary for brain function and metabolism.

It can be used to replace less nourishing grains by cutting it finely into “rice” or consumed as a vegetable.


Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that is extremely nutritious. It has a low-calorie count but is full of fiber and minerals. It’s also high in vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and several trace minerals, all of which may have health-promoting benefits.

Vitamin C, for example, is widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties and has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Cabbage also contains glucosinolates, which are antioxidants that are considered to fight against certain cancers, including lung cancer. In addition, cabbage is frequently fermented into sauerkraut, which is high in water and may help with digestion.


Grapefruit contains 88% of water and is a delicious and nutritious fruit. It is a citrus fruit with many immunity-boosting properties. A single serving of grapefruit has almost half a cup of water.

Grapefruit is also loaded with antioxidants and fiber. It additionally is rich in vitamin A, folic, acid, folate as well as potassium. It has vitamin C which aids in the protection of the body against infections. It can also reduce cholesterol, and prevent coronary heart disease. Grapefruit can be best consumed as a standalone snack or in salads.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a lesser-known hydrating food. It is not just healthy but also extremely nourishing for the body. cottage cheese has 80% water.

It is high in protein and filling. It is also rich in calcium and magnesium which helps in keeping the bones healthy. It is also rich in selenium and phosphorus. It is loaded with vitamin B complex and aids in metabolism. It can be eaten alone, in salad, soups, or with fruits and spreads, as a healthy snack.


Spinach has about 91% of water and is a superfood loaded with vitamins and minerals. It is rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium. It also contains fiber and is a very low-calorie vegetable to help you stay hydrated and with a variety of health benefits.

Spinach is also shown to reduce blood sugar levels and promote good health. Vitamin A levels in spinach can promote healthy vision. It can be consumed in the form of soups, salads, or smoothies as per your liking.


Carrots contain 88% of water by volume and are a powerhouse of antioxidants. They are loaded with vitamin A and C and have the presence of beta carotene which is a very beneficial antioxidant.

Carrots also contain Vitamin B and lutein which are excellent for the eyes. It also helps in enhancing digestion. Carrots can be consumed in the form of soups, salads, or with hummus or other healthy dips.


This juicy fruit comes with a lot of nutritional benefits. It contains Vitamin A, B, and C which helps in boosting the immune function of the body. A single medium-sized apple has 88% water and is filling in nature.

Apple is also rich in catechin and quercetin, which are antioxidants that protect the body. Apple is shown to have prebiotic effects. [5] Apple is also shown to lower blood cholesterol and sugar levels. It makes for excellent snacks or can be included in salads, with sprouts, or with vegetables.

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