Banana Nutrition Facts: A Comprehensive Guide To Its Health Benefits
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Banana: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Written By: Aparna Hari
27 August 2022

The high banana nutrition value is one of the main reasons for the popularity of this fruit. You will find this nutrition landmine on many breakfast tables. In this article, we introduce you to the vital banana nutrition facts and benefits.


Bananas, the world’s first fruit, are believed to have originated some 10,000 years ago. These fruits are high in fibre and potassium, among other nutrients making them one of the best electrolyte foods.

Bananas Nutrition Facts: A quick peek

Banana is one of the few fruits that can be eaten raw as well as ripe. In its raw form, bananas are an essential ingredient in curries, stews, and salads. Ripe bananas, too, are widely consumed. 

The table below indicates the nutritional goodness of this fruit. We detail the various nutritional values in a medium-sized banana.

General Nutrients: 
Fibre2-3 gm
Carbohydrates20-27 gm
Sugars14 gm
Potassium350-400 mg
Magnesium30 mg
Phosphorus25 mg
Selenium1-2 micrograms
Vitamin C9-12mg
Folate (B9)20-24 micrograms
Other Nutrients: 
Choline12 mg

*This table is a rough estimate of the nutritional content of a standard, medium-sized banana. Nutritional values may vary depending on the type of banana. 

Banana Benefits – All you need to know

Bananas are highly beneficial for health. The ripe bananas, when consumed moderately, help regulate blood sugar and contribute to your overall health and wellness.

Let us now take a look at some key raw banana benefits and ripe banana benefits

1. Maintain your heart health

The raw and ripe forms of bananas are excellent in potassium and have very low levels of sodium. This combination is beneficial in regulating your blood pressure. When your blood pressure is in check, your heart stays healthy too.

The pectin present in raw bananas reduces the risk of high triglycerides and cholesterol and contributes to your heart health.

2. Keep your gut healthy

A lesser-known fact about bananas is that they help your digestive system develop prebiotics and probiotics. 

Both of these help cultivate good bacteria in your gut. As a result, your digestive system works efficiently, and your body can absorb the nutrients from your food well.

3. Aid in easy digestion

The high fibre content in bananas ensures easy digestion of food that you have consumed. If you struggle with problems such as indigestion and constipation, increased banana intake in both raw and ripe form can be extremely helpful.

4. Keep your colon healthy

Pectin is a type of fibre present in raw bananas that acts as a prebiotic. Pectin doesn’t get absorbed in your small intestines. Instead, your colon metabolizes this fibre. When you consume bananas, good bacteria reach your colon and ensure that the organ stays healthy. Pectin is also known to reduce the risk of colon cancers.

5. Aid in weight loss

Both raw and ripe bananas are high in fibre. Fibre takes longer to digest and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Hence, those planning to lose weight can add bananas to their diet.

If you are planning to lose weight, raw bananas are a better option than ripe bananas since the raw ones are extremely low in sugar content.

6. Regulate blood sugar levels

The high fibre content in bananas regulates blood sugar spikes and keeps your diabetes in check. Moderate consumption of ripe bananas is generally advised for diabetes patients.

However, if you have type 2 diabetes, you may want to consult with your consulting doctor/medical practitioner if you have any questions regarding bananas.

Other benefits:

Apart from the above, eating ripe bananas has many advantages 

  • Bananas elevate your mood
  • Eating bananas improve sleep quality due to the presence of Tryptophan, a precursor for melatonin
  • Banana carbs improve your energy levels
  • These fruits act as an excellent source of electrolytes by being rich in potassium, calcium, and manganese.
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  • Banana vitamins such as C, B12, and B6 make this fruit a superfood
  • Increasing your energy levels 
  • Consuming bananas also helps in quick muscle recovery and forms an ideal post-workout nutrition option.

Bananas are one of the best superfoods. On days when you are extremely busy, give your child a banana and a glass of milk for a nutritious breakfast. 

The calories in 1 banana are good enough to keep you going till mid-morning snack or lunchtime.

Bottom Line:

Banana nutrition facts are well-known, and this is why the fruit is so popular in every region and country across the world. This superfood is choc-a-bloc with many nutrients, electrolytes, vitamins, and essential amino acids.

The next time you have a lazy day and don’t feel like eating anything, just grab a banana. It will fill you up and keep you in a good mood too!!

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